Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Uberwar NYC update 9/01/15.

I downloaded an app that's used by Uber drivers for some business related tasks. The function I was looking for was the heat map. It tells the drivers where there are concentrations of passengers that outnumber Uber cars available to them. Drivers get bonuses and passengers within the warm zones pay premiums called surge prices. UberX can sometimes be cheaper than a yellow taxi but not generally so when surge pricing is in effect.

Above is a screenshot showing where the surge heat was at 2:27 this morning. None in Manhattan, a lot in parts of Brooklyn that were called ghettos not so many years ago. In those Brooklyn heat zones a taxi medallion provided an advantage over green taxis and Ubers evaluated by me at $00.00. IMO where people are looking for Uber's at a premium price there are people who'd cancel an Uber car and grab the taxi if it reached them before the Uber. Tonight I did that twice. Yellow taxi drivers should start doing battle with the goobers in their own comfort zones. 

Starve a goober, smash the surge and make money.

Aiming an Arro at Uber's heart.

Hailo was a taxi hailing app that was destined to fail miserably and that it did. The Taxi and Limousine Commission had blocked the industry from developing its own E hail system, obviously mimicking the referees of professional wrestling matches. Now there's ARRO rolling out this month. I hope to be using it soon along with thousands of other cabbies. I'll be seeking the heat too with the heatmap app by SherpaShare. Don't go to a knife fight wearing a blindfold.

Politics make strange bedfellows. Here's a notice of an anti Uber demonstration to be led by the New York Taxi Workers Alliance and Bhairavi Dessai. The notice was posted by fleet managers in the taxi driver waiting room at "my" garage. Dessai is  the one who worked with Michael Bloomberg to bring in the green taxis and with Bloomberg and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to destroy taxi fleet leader Yevgeny (Gene) Friedman after he messed with Bloomberg and Uber. I doubt any fleet owner wants to fill his shoes, so the default "industry leader" will be Bhairavi "no skeleton in my closet" Dessai.

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